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[섭외문의] 문의사항입니다.

캐스팅유형 : 방송·행사MC,외국어MC,스포츠,레크레이션,드라마·영화·광고

이름 : Nitin

휴대폰 : 1- (209) 813-5119-1- (209) 813-5119-1- (209) 813-5119

회사명 : Ranking Techie

이메일 : nitin.chaudhary@rankinghattechie.com

문의내용 : Hello team bomonent.co.kr,

I was looking at your website, and while the style and design are outstanding, your website's rating cannot be found on the first pages of Google.

We can increase targeted traffic to your website so that it appears on Google's first page. Bing, Yahoo, AOL, etc.

Do you want to appear on the front page, then?

If interested. May I send you a package/proposal.?

Nitin Chaudhary
International Project Manager
Email:- nitin.chaudhary@rankinghattechie.com
Contact Number:- +1- (209) 813-5119

Your domain: bomonent.co.kr

If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe.”

카카오아이콘 아이콘
